Twists On ‘Something Borrowed’

Twists On ‘Something Borrowed’

The saying “Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue” has been incorporated into countless wedding ceremonies over the years. While maintaining its charm, the “something borrowed” element opens a gateway to creativity, injecting modern zest into an enduring custom. Let’s embark on a journey to reinvent this tradition with fresh, innovative ideas for incorporating something borrowed into your wedding.

Borrowed Recipes

Add a dash of family tradition to your wedding menu by borrowing favorite recipes from family or friends. Your guests will not only enjoy a delicious meal but also appreciate the personal touch. Of course, be sure to double check with your venue to see if this is something they can do before committing to it being your “something borrowed.”

Shared Playlists

There’s nothing worse than having an empty dance floor, so invite your guests to share their favorite love songs to compile a unique playlist. It’s “borrowed” from your loved ones and will keep everyone on their feet all night long!

Lend A Hand

Why not borrow the talents of your friends? If you have artistically inclined friends, borrow their skills for your invitations, décor, or even the wedding cake. It’s a unique twist on the borrowed theme and adds a personal touch to your day. Although, be sure to offer to compensate them if this is something they do for a living. They may be willing to do it for free or for a discount, but you don’t want to assume!

Signature Cocktail

Borrow the recipe of a beloved cocktail from your favorite bar and turn it into your signature wedding cocktail. It’s a nod to your favorite hangout place and an excellent conversation starter. Bonus points if it’s from the bar where you met your significant other or have shared a special moment at!

Borrowed Blooms

Consider borrowing flowers from a friend or neighbor’s garden to include in your bouquet or centerpieces. They’ll bring natural beauty and a story to your floral arrangements.

Sentimental Items

You can borrow more than just a physical item. How about a reading or poem that a close friend used at their wedding? Or perhaps the same first dance song that your parents had? There are plenty of options to choose from here!

The Park Savoy Is Your Dream Venue

When it comes to a place that encapsulates the charm of the past with the promise of new beginnings, The Park Savoy is the perfect place to be. Here, the old-world elegance provides the perfect backdrop for your big day. The grand ballroom and stunning gardens offer versatile spaces for any wedding theme. Plus, our top-tier culinary team is dedicated to crafting an exquisite, customized menu that will delight your guests and help create lasting memories. Reach out today to schedule a tour!

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