Who knew that getting engaged would be so much work? In the afterglow of your engagement announcement, it will quickly dawn on you just how many jobs you’ll have to take care of before your wedding day. To avoid fights with your significant other, scheduling conflicts and other issues, proper organization techniques are vital and can dramatically improve your chances of pulling off the perfect wedding. Here are a few key tips to keep in mind. 1.Start early! You may...

As a bride-to-be, your bridal party will be with you for every step of the way from your shower to the moment you walk down the aisle. Being a bridesmaid is a significant investment in time, finances and energy, which is why the vast majority of brides go the extra mile to thank their closest friends for all of their assistance throughout the process. Here are a few great ideas to think about before your wedding day. 1.Wedding day survival...

Your wedding day is a celebration of love, family and the many loved ones who have touched you and your significant other’s lives along the way. Of course, it’s also a great excuse to throw the best party of your young lives! Food will play a pivotal role in your wedding reception, and you should look to strike a balance between style and the dishes that you and your betrothed love the most. If you’re looking for some inspiration, here...

With the floral arrangements, food menu and decorations finally set, now it’s time to handle the more practical jobs you’ll have to tackle before your big day – transportation! While you may have a limousine or two lined up for your wedding party, your guests may need their own share of accommodations as well. Here are a few ways that you can creatively handle your guests’ transportation needs without breaking the bank. 1.Choose ideal timeframes If your wedding ceremony and...

As unforgettable as your special day may be, one of the hidden joys that follows your nuptials is going through the many cards, presents and small gifts your friends and family members have given you. With any luck, you have set up a thorough wedding registry beforehand to ensure that you and your significant other will have everything you need entering married life. For those who are just getting their wedding registry started, making sure wedding guests have easy access...

Make your Wedding Reception Shine with these Lighting Tips

Make your Wedding Reception Shine with these Lighting Tips
With flowers, a wedding reception theme and countless other tasks to attend to before your big day, one element in wedding planning that can sometimes receive less attention is your lighting scheme. The right reception lighting can dramatically improve the mood and atmosphere of your gathering without having to break the bank in the process. Here are a few ways to create a delightful arrangement for your reception. 1.Work with your wedding venue Before you look into hiring lighting professionals...
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Three elements that can create an unforgettable wedding program

Three elements that can create an unforgettable wedding program
Whether you and your significant other have planned your upcoming ceremony down to the last detail or sought out the help of a wedding planner, you should always take pause when designing the wedding program for your ceremony. While they may seem like an afterthought, this is often your first greeting for family and friends and a charming memento they can hold onto for years to come. Be sure to give your wedding program a touch of style and panache...

Three Elements to Create Dazzling Wedding Reception Centerpieces

Three Elements to Create Dazzling Wedding Reception Centerpieces
When your wedding ceremony has concluded and your guests walk into your wedding venue, one of the first things that will catch their eye is your lovely selection of reception centerpieces. These floral arrangements can set the mood for your entire gathering, so you’ll want to take careful consideration when choosing them. Here are a few tips that can help you get the decorative scheme you’ve always dreamed of. 1.Consider your budget First and foremost, one of your most important...

Three Major Wedding Flower Mistakes to Avoid

Three Major Wedding Flower Mistakes to Avoid
As one of the most important aspects of your wedding preparations, choosing a florist and your floral decorating plan is not something that should be taken lightly. These ornate blooms will have an indelible impact on your wedding photos, the atmosphere and overall feeling of your nuptials, so it’s important to get your decision right from the get-go. There are numerous issues that can arise when choosing your wedding flowers, so to make sure you get the job done like...

Top 5 wedding guest faux pas to avoid at all costs

Top 5 wedding guest faux pas to avoid at all costs
When you get so many old friends and family members under one roof, throw in an open bar and loud music, proper etiquette can sometimes fall by the wayside. A wedding is one of the most important events in your loved one’s life, so you don’t want to be the subject of an embarrassing story for years to come by acting inappropriate. Luckily, Park Savoy has a few key wedding “don’ts” that can spare you from future family lore. 1.Retire...

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