You might be debating about the date of the wedding ceremony, but have you given much thought as to the time of the wedding? Even though late afternoon and late evening ceremonies are quite popular, weddings can be organized at any time of the day you want.
Opting for an evening wedding and reception in New Jersey wedding locations is a romantic and stylish choice. It actually resembles the taste of the couples. The bride, groom and even your guests can feel more comfortable and enjoy the party with dance and drinks till the end of the evening. The moonlight also has the added benefit of making people look radiant! When dressed in cocktail dresses and evening attire, attendees will look simply gorgeous.
Planning for an afternoon wedding ceremony can be a great choice if you have a tight budget. You can start the event around 1:30 to 2pm and wrap everything up by at least 6 or 7pm. Hence, you will naturally need a single New Jersey wedding location for the entire event since the reception will be held directly after the wedding. Because of this, you also will not have to spend as much money on meals, which can end up saving you thousands of dollars. In an afternoon wedding scenario, you can serve your guests snacks and fewer drinks than at an evening ceremony.
You can also consider having a traditional wedding in the early morning time. Like afternoon weddings, morning weddings will also help you in cutting costs since you only need to plan for brunch since the wedding starts early in the day. Hence you can wrap everything up and enjoy the rest of the day with your beloved family and most importantly your spouse.