The Morning Prep Timeline On Your Wedding Day

The Morning Prep Timeline On Your Wedding Day

The morning of your wedding is a whirlwind of excitement, nerves, and last-minute preparations. At The Park Savoy Estate, we’ve witnessed countless brides and grooms navigate this time with grace and joy. To ensure your morning goes as smoothly as possible, you need to create a detailed timeline and try to adhere to it as best as possible. Keep reading for a suggested morning prep timeline that will help you relax, enjoy, and savor every moment as you get ready for the big day!

3 to 6 Months Before – Plan Your Morning

We know this is about morning prep for your wedding, but prep starts well in advance of your wedding day! A few months before the wedding, start thinking about how you want the morning to unfold. Decide where you’ll be getting ready—whether it’s at a hotel, your home, or at your venue. Also, think about who you want present during this time, such as family members and bridal party members, so you can let them know your plans well in advance. You should also speak with your hair and makeup stylist and photographer to start laying out a timeline for the morning with their expertise.

2 to 3 Weeks Before – Finalize Your Timeline

A few weeks before the wedding, you should finalize the details of your morning timeline. This includes specific times for each activity and who needs to be where and when. Coordinate with your vendors—such as your hairstylist, makeup artist, photographer, and transportation—to confirm their arrival times and roles. Share this timeline with everyone involved to ensure they know the plan and can prepare accordingly.

Morning of the Wedding – Follow Your Planned Schedule

So, what does a morning of the wedding timeline really look like? Here’s an idea of what you should include in your timeline!

  • 6:00 AM – Wake Up, Eat Breakfast, and Hydrate
  • 7:00 AM – Hair and Makeup Begin
  • 9:00 AM – Light Snacks and Refreshments
  • 10:00 AM – Photographer Arrives
  • 10:30 AM – Get Dressed
  • 11:00 AM – First Look Photos
  • 11:30 AM – Bridal Party and Family Photos
  • 12:30 PM – Pre-Ceremony Relaxation
  • 1:00 PM – Ceremony Begins

Obviously, the tasks and times will vary depending on the specifics of your wedding. This is a good breakdown to get you started!

 Enjoy Every Moment Getting Ready At The Park Savoy Estate

The morning of your wedding will pass by quickly, so it’s important to enjoy every moment. At The Park Savoy Estate, our team is dedicated to ensuring that every detail is managed seamlessly, allowing you to focus on the joy and excitement of your special day. Plus, we have modern and cozy wedding prep suites so you and your wedding party can get ready on site! So, what are you waiting for? Let us help you create a stress-free wedding morning that transitions beautifully into your ceremony and celebration. Give us a call today to schedule a tour.

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